A Nano-inXider SAXS instrument from Xenocs was installed at the University of Caxias do Sul (UCS) in Brazil in November 2019.

The instrument installed at the Central Laboratory for Microscopy (LCMIC) will be used for characterizing samples in many science projects.
“We have many research projects which will be enhanced with the acquisition of the Nano-inXider from Xenocs”, says Dr Cesar Aguzzoli who is in charge of the instrument. “Our group focuses on materials science. We want to use our new SAXS instrument specifically for nanoparticles and quantum dots characterization. I really would like to thank the Xenocs team for the installation & training which were perfectly done. We are now looking forward to using the instrument and to getting our first results!”
About LCMIC – University of Caxias do Sul Central Laboratory for Microscopy
The University of Caxias do Sul (UCS) is among the largest universities in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Its central laboratory for microscopy (LCMIC) was inaugurated in 2015. The laboratory operates as a multi-user service lab, providing services to both the academic community and to industry.
Source: Xenocs & University of Caxias do Sul (UCS)