SAXS Facility at Kent Sate University

Xeuss 3.0 at Kent Uni

SAXS Facility Key capabilities:

  • Cu and Mo sources
  • Dedicated SAXS and WAXS detectors (Dectris Eiger2 detectors) – simultaneous SAXS-WAXS; fully motorized SAXS detector stage
  • Bonse-Hart USAXS
  • Grazing incidence (with and without temperature control)
  • Beamstop-less acquisition
  • Full suite of sample environments:
    • Solid, thin film, gel and capillary sample holders
    • Variable temperature stage (-150 °C to +350 °C) – thin films, gels, and capillaries
    • Tensile stage (-150 °C to +250 °C)
    • Shear stage (ambient to +350 °C)
    • Variable humidity stage (RH 5% to 95%; Temp: 5 °C to 85 °C)
  • Polarized optical microscopy insert
  • Full data analysis software package

Source: Advanced Materials and Liquid Crystal Institute (AMLCI) at Kent Sate University

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