Gel Documentation (DNA & Protein Gel Imaging System)
- Infinity is gel documentation and fluorescence imaging for DNA,RNA, protein gels. Fluorescence and colorimetric stain imaging

- Life Science Research
- Food & Agriculture
- Diagnostic
- Environment
- Forensic
- Pharmacy & Cosmetic
Technical Detail
- Infinity s is ideal for a large array of applications such as DNA or RNA gels, 1D protein fluorescent gels, stain free gels, colorimetric stained protein gels, X-ray film imaging, autorads, SSCP gels, colony dish and flask imaging … A large number of dyes could be used such as Ethidium Bromide, SybrSafe, Sybr Green, Gel-Red, Gel-Green, Sybr-gold, GFP, Pro-Q Emerald 300, Sypro-Ruby, FITC, DAPI, Coomassie blue, Silver stain, Ponceau S Red, Copper stain, Zinc stain…
- ONE CLICK TO IMAGE: Automatic control of the camera, lens and lighting for an unrivaled ease of use
- APPS STUDIO: A complete library of gel imaging applications to ensure reproducibility.
- SUPER RESOLUTION: Very high level of detail and more quantitative information.
- PADBOX CONCEPT: Interchangeable light pad for UV, blue, green & red fluorescence.
- Long Lasting Hight Quality
- Upgrade your system to Western Blot chemiluminescence imaging. Ideal for RGB fluorescence and multiplex Western blot when combined with a Spectra- Pad.+C10:C15C9:C15C9C11:C15C10:C15C11:C15C12:C15C13:C15C12:C15C11:C15C10:C15C9:C15C10:C15C11:C15C12:C15
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