A Nano-inXider from Xenocs was installed two weeks ago in the Institute of Chemistry of São Paulo State University.
Prof. Celso Valentim Santilli who is responsible for the multi-user institutional facilities based on X-ray light at UNESP, explains the reasons for investing in the Nano-inXider high performance laboratory SAXS instrument:

“Our interest in SAXS started by studying phase separation problems as users of the LURE, the old synchrotron source in France. Then we continued by analyzing the dynamics of transformations of colloids, ceramics, polymers and composites, as users of LNLS in Brazil and Soleil in France. However, with the advent of the 4th generation synchrotrons these classic SAXS setups will be less accessible. For this reason, we decided to invest into a high performance laboratory instrument.”
The new instrument will be used as a multi-user system for many applications.
“The Nano-inXider will be very useful for running kinetic studies of organic and inorganic polymerization, sol-gel reactions, nucleation, phase separation, aggregation and growth”, Prof. Celso V. Santilli explains. “We will also use it for nanostructural characterization of biological systems, thin films, hybrid materials and nanocomposites.”
Full training on the instrument was delivered right after the installation.
The instrument will run 24/7/365.
About UNESP – São Paulo State University
UNESP has research centers of excellence in Chemistry, Materials Science, Medicine, Agriculture, Geology and Engineering. In all these areas, SAXS is essential for characterizing the nanostructure of samples.
Website: https://www.iq.unesp.br/
Contact: cv.santilli@unesp.br
Source: Xenocs & UNESP – São Paulo State University